Trending backup set with a CTE

  • Hi,
    Dear friends,
    I'm trying, to make a trending graph for a database, using the backupset, ideal result would be:

    db1    22    1    2017    972587.82812500000    972587.82812500000    1.000000000000000000
    db1    26    2    2017    1030774.12695312500    1030774.12695312500    1.000000000000000000
    db1    26    3    2017    1078846.17968750000    1078846.17968750000    1.000000000000000000
    db1    30    4    2017    1128924.55371093750    1128924.55371093750    1.000000000000000000
    db1    28    5    2017    1180317.30468750000    1180317.30468750000    1.000000000000000000

    cte as (
    [database_name] AS "Database",
    DATEPART(day,[backup_start_date]) as "day",
    DATEPART(month,[backup_start_date]) AS "Month",
    DATEPART(YEAR,[backup_start_date]) as "Year",
    AVG([backup_size]/1024/1024) AS "Backup Size MB",
    AVG([compressed_backup_size]/1024/1024) AS "Compressed Backup Size MB",
    AVG([backup_size]/[compressed_backup_size]) AS "Compression Ratio"
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE [database_name] = N'db1'
    AND [type] = 'D'
    and DATEPART(YEAR,[backup_start_date]) = 2017
    GROUP BY [database_name],DATEPART(mm,[backup_start_date]),DATEPART(YEAR,[backup_start_date]),DATEPART(day,[backup_start_date])
    select * from cte
    order by 3 desc

    I'm stuck on cycling, any idea ???

    Thanks a lot

  • I just ran your query without any problems so I'm not sure where you are stuck.
    Maybe I'm being thick but I can't figure out what you mean by being stuck on cycling. ??


  • If you build this as a stored procedure, then you can go to Excel, create a connection to your database and execute the stored procedure and bring the data back to Excel and do the graphs and trending there.

  • Hi,
    My actual resultset is attached, I am only interested in taking the last row per month.
    In each month i cycle and get the next last day...

    db1  20  1  2017  972587.82812500000  972587.82812500000  1.000000000000000000
    db1  21  1  2017  972587.82812500000  972587.82812500000  1.000000000000000000
    db1  22  1  2017  972587.82812500000  972587.82812500000  1.000000000000000000
    db1  24  2  2017  1030774.12695312500  1030774.12695312500  1.000000000000000000
    db1  26  2  2017  1030774.12695312500  1030774.12695312500  1.000000000000000000
    db1  15  3  2017  1078846.17968750000  1078846.17968750000  1.000000000000000000
    db1  16  3  2017  1078846.17968750000  1078846.17968750000  1.000000000000000000
    db1  26  3  2017  1078846.17968750000  1078846.17968750000  1.000000000000000000
    db1  10  4  2017  1128924.55371093750  1128924.55371093750  1.000000000000000000
    db1  20  4  2017  1128924.55371093750  1128924.55371093750  1.000000000000000000
    db1  30  4  2017  1128924.55371093750  1128924.55371093750  1.000000000000000000
    db1  03  5  2017  1128924.55371093750  1128924.55371093750  1.000000000000000000
    db1  28  5  2017  1180317.30468750000  1180317.30468750000  1.000000000000000000

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