Transpose rows to columns

  • Hi all,

    i have table with some row

    select col from tab1






    Now i have another table having four cols and want to insert above four individual row data into four different columns

    selec col1,col2 , col3 ,col4 from tab2


    A B C D

    the data need to inserted from table tab1 only.

    For this i have used cursor to insert data into four columns but there are some performance issue so want to void cursors and try some alternative solution.

    Can any help in this regards


  • You have to be more specific then that. How do you decide which value goes to which column? Also post a small script that had the create table statements for both tables and insert statement for the first table. This will make answering your question easier to everyone.


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  • Hi,

    try this

    create table TAB1


    col char(2)


    insert into TAB1

    select 'A'

    union all

    select 'B'

    union all

    select 'C'

    union all

    select 'D'

    create table TAB2


    col1 char(2),

    col2 char(2),

    col3 char(2),

    col4 char(2)


    DECLARE @TAB1 VARCHAR(100),@SQL Nvarchar(500)

    SELECT @TAB1 = COALESCE(@TAB1+''',''' , '') + col FROM TAB1

    select @SQL = N'insert into TAB2 values ('+''''+@TAB1+''''+')'

    exec sp_executesql @SQL

  • thanks for the reply , i have solved the problem.

    I have concatenate all single row data to a variable with comma as follow

    select @var = char(39)+colname+char(39)+','+@var from table

    select @var = substring(@var,1,len(@var)-1) --to remove last comma char



    it solved my purpose thanks to all.

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