Transition from SQL server 2000 to SQL server 2014

  • SSRS Newbie, how much experience do you have producing SQL programs?

  • Hmm... on your 2014 servertry running

    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.Order__V2;


    INSERT INTO dbo.Order__V2 SELECT * FROM [TestServer].[TestDB].[dbo]dbo.Order__V2;


    SELECT * FROM dbo.Order__V2;

    Then on your 2000 TestServer

    Try running,

    SELECT * FROM [TestDB].[dbo]dbo.Order__V2;

    What are the results of those 4 queries?

  • ZZartin- I ran the 4 queries you suggested. I was able to truncate the destination database on the new server successfully. It shows the same number of rows as the old sql server 2000. Why did it not update the first time with the original script? Any suggestions?

    patrickmcginnis59 10839 - Little over a year.

  • SSRS Newbie (7/30/2015)

    ZZartin- I ran the 4 queries you suggested. I was able to truncate the destination database on the new server successfully. It shows the same number of rows as the old sql server 2000. Why did it not update the first time with the original script? Any suggestions?

    patrickmcginnis59 10839 - Little over a year.

    Ok, I'm just a bit concerned that you might have expected ZZartin's script to update tables in itself, rather than just produce SQL scripts. Make sure you understand the code you're running!

  • patrickmcginnis59 10839- Thanks Patrick. I know I'm still at learning stage with SQL server and haven't done this transition of SQL server before. I appreciate your inputs.

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