Transfer database from an upgrade of SQL Server 2K

  • I upgraded a SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2K and becos I initially had SQL Server 7 installed on D drive, therefore after the upgrade, I had SQL Server 2K on both drives C&D and data files are on D drive.

    I have another SQL Server 2K but this one is a full installation, therefore the data files are on C drive. I tried to transfer a particular database from the full installation SQL to the upgrade using the below method:

    1. Copy all the logins using the below script:

    USE Northwind


    -- Create table Logins in Nortwind

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Logins] (

    [Name] [varchar] (30) NULL ,

    [EncryptedPassword] [nvarchar] (128) NULL ,

    [DefaultDB] [nvarchar] (128) NULL ,

    [DefLanguage] [nvarchar] (128) NULL ,

    [sid] [varbinary] (85) NULL ,

    [EncryptOpt] [varchar] (30) NULL ,

    [LoginName] [varchar] (50) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    -- Insert information about the logins into table logins.

    INSERT logins

    SELECT name, [password], dbname, language, sid,

    'skip_encryption', loginname

    FROM master..syslogins

    ORDER BY name


    -- Remove special SQL logins and all Windows logins.

    dDELETE logins

    WHERE loginname IN ('distributor_admin', 'guest', 'sa')

    OR loginname LIKE '%\%'


    2. DTS the Logins table from Northwind that I created to the destination

    3. Manually create the data (with same name) on destination.

    4. Create the login on destination using the below script:


    -- Create source-server logins on target-server

    USE Master


    DECLARE logincur CURSOR



    SELECT [name], encryptedpassword, defaultdb,

    deflanguage, sid, encryptopt

    FROM Northwind..logins

    DECLARE @loginame varchar(30),

    @passwd nvarchar(128),

    @defdb nvarchar(128),

    @deflang nvarchar(128),

    @sid varbinary(85),

    @encryptopt varchar(30)

    OPEN logincur

    FETCH NEXT FROM logincur

    INTO @loginame, @passwd, @defdb,

    @deflang, @sid, @encryptopt

    WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)


    EXEC master..sp_addlogin

    @loginame, @passwd, @defdb,

    @deflang, @sid, @encryptopt

    FETCH NEXT FROM logincur

    INTO @loginame, @passwd, @defdb,

    @deflang, @sid, @encryptopt


    CLOSE logincur

    DEALLOCATE logincur


    5. Restore the database from the back up

    Now this method works on SQL 7 to SQL 7. I tried DTS directly the database and there was one table missing and all stored procedure are not transfered.

    Does any know how to do it please?

  • I did the attach method since the user is not an issue (using dbo user) and it works.

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