Transaction logfiles skipped

  • Hi

    Before logshipping jobs there was a maintenance plan for log backup, so we stopped that and transfered the files manualy. After setup logshipping the trn files where copied automaticly to the secondary server, but the restore job skippes the files. Should logshipping be setup just after the full backup? How to make sure the secondary db(in non-recovery mode) has the same state as the primary?

    Thanks for help


  • What does your job history tell you?

    I would guess that you are missing a log backup between the .trn files you have and your last full backup - you need all of them to get the logshipping up and running.


  • I have all the files, but they are produced by two different log backup jobs after each other. The history say 'skipped' also on the first log backup after the full backup.

  • Is the job history telling you that an earlier log file must be applied or that a more recent log file must be applied?

    knowing that will tell you what step to take next.

    the history will look like this:

    21:15:01 - Transaction log file E:\LogShipTo\TBG_20090302190001.trn was skipped. More recent transaction log file must be applied to database.

    or this:

    12:20:02 - Transaction log file E:\LogShipTo\TBG_20090303070000.trn cannot be applied to database. More earlier transaction log file can be applied.

    the bolded selections are the pertinant details.


  • There where entries like that. After restoring a new fullbackup the logshipping job restores the files correct.

    Another point is the failover. With a scipt( the logins can be transfered. What about the user assignment. Are they assigned when the logins are applied or must that be done manualy?

  • If you applied the script before database restoration then they will get mapped automatically.


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