Today's Random Song!

  • What song you have in head ?

    For me today is :Shut Me Up - Mindless Self Indulgence.

    ...i like my coffee black like My Metal ...

  • The Saddest Sound, by The Devastations

    I wish it would go away - lovely song but very depressing!

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  • Tush by ZZ Top. It is the last song we played at band practice last night and it is such an up tempo song - hard to get out of my head

  • Roxette - The big love

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Winter Wonderland.

  • I've just discovered that a key index is 97.8% fragmented, so

    Bits and Pieces by the Dave Clark Five

  • Oh, now you've done it! 🙂

    "Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside, it's so delightful . . . "

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  • Ray K (1/12/2011)

    Oh, now you've done it! 🙂

    "Oh the weather outside is frightful, but inside, it's so delightful . . . "

    Now you've done it, I now have a craving to watch Die Hard 2 🙂

    Bite-sized fiction (with added teeth) [/url]

  • Don't know why but mine is "Ghost Chickens in the Sky"


  • The Heat is On.... Glen Frey...... our office appears warm today and my boss just walked past my office about 2 minutes ago and started to sing that song... now it is stuck in my head too!

  • Don't know why, but pretty much anything by Kansas (my favorite band, BTW!!!) is going through my head right now (Carry On Wayward Son, Dust In The Wind, etc.).

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  • Today one song is running through my head, and driving me bats because I can't quite remember the words. I heard for the first time about a week ago, and the second time the night before last. It starts off something like (I may have misheard it, my Spanish is pretty awful)

    Reloj no marques las horas porque voy a enloquecer

    and ends up with (maybe)

    ... haz esta noche perpetua

    para que nunca se vaya de mi, para que nunca amanezca

    and it's a rather beautiful and very romantic song ("It's our last night together, time please stop and make it last for ever" kind of thing). Unlike Bill Bryson, I like tht kind of thing (provided it's well sung).

    I know I could find the words on the internet - google is wonderful, even Bing could probably get it for me - but I'm avoiding that because I think trying to get the words next time I hear it will do more to help me learn Spanish.


  • crookj (1/19/2011)

    Don't know why but mine is "Ghost Chickens in the Sky"


    Should I assume that that goes to the tune of the famous Scottish song "The Teuchtar wha cam frae Skye", or the Irish version "Highwayman in the Sky"? :hehe: 😛 😀


  • VH1 Classic channel has been playing A-Z song videos... overwhelming me.. but cool too. I have seen some videos I haven't seen in over 10 years.

  • For the moment:

    Heaven nor Hell - Volbeat (some Danish rockband)

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