#tmpDBCCinputbuffer process

  • Hello,

    Using SQL2005 SP2

    I am seeing a process running under SSMS at certain times that has details:

    insert into #tmpDBCCinputbuffer exec ('DBCC INPUTBUFFER(53)')

    select [Event Info] from #tmpDBCCinputbuffer...

    where i think 53 is the SPID.

    This happens when i do a certain operation in our software - but am not sure the exact thing that kicks it off as i can pause the software, wait for a while then the process starts up. Killing the software does stop the process, but killing ssms does not. When this process is running SQL server takes full CPU.

    Any ideas?



  • You can use profiler to trace and track when the object gets created. That should be helping you.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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