Time Zones

  • Good morning 🙂

    I have a table that if you dont add the date, by defult it will add the date.

    create table Raw_Data


    ID int identity primary key

    ,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETDATE())

    ,RequestNumber int

    ,Amount float

    the problem is that my db is in gmt time and I am gmt +3

    I cannot change the server time.

    how do i save the correct time?

  • I know the dateadd(HOUR, 3, getdate()) :-D:-D:-D

    but is that the correct when you add dates automatically ?

  • astrid 69000 (8/2/2016)

    Good morning 🙂

    I have a table that if you dont add the date, by defult it will add the date.

    create table Raw_Data


    ID int identity primary key

    ,DateCreated datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETDATE())

    ,RequestNumber int

    ,Amount float

    the problem is that my db is in gmt time and I am gmt +3

    I cannot change the server time.

    how do i save the correct time?

    First suggestion would be changing the datetime to a time zone aware datatype like DATETIMEOFFSET or DATETIME2 and work from there, DATETIME has no time zone awareness so it's always on UTC in a way.


  • thanks!!!

  • Since your server is already on UTC time, they're essentially one in the same.

    That said, I like the DATETIME data type. You can use the GETDATE() or GETUTCDATE() function. They do what their name implies. In your case, they should return the same values.


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