TIme taken to complete the job

  • HI - we have a job 'Job1' which runs every day at 3:00PM. Sometimes it gets failed and will restart. Now, I want to know the startdate,enddate, total duration for each run of the job for the last one month. I need a query to retrieve these details from msdb in the below format

    Startdatetime Enddatetime Duration



  • Try this 2 queries this will give you the details you are looking for

    SELECT sj.name AS JobName,Count(*) AS COUNT,

    AVG(( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)) AS AvgRunSec,

    Max(( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)) AS MaxRunSec,

    Min(( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)) AS MinRunSec

    FROM MSDB..SYSJOBHISTORY sjh INNER Join MSDB..SYSJOBS sj ON sjh.job_id = sj.job_id

    WHERE Run_Date >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE()-1,112)

    AND STEP_ID = 0

    GROUP BY sj.name


    Select sj.name as JobName ,step_id as StepId,step_name as StepName,

    CASE when run_status = 1 then 'Success'

    else 'Failed'

    End as Status,

    CAST ( LEFT(CAST(run_date as varchar(8)),4) + '/' + SUBSTRING(CAST(run_date as varchar(8)), 5,2) + '/' +

    RIGHT(cast(run_date as varchar(8)), 2) + ' ' +

    CAST( ((run_time/10000) %100) as varchar ) + ':' + CAST( ((run_time/100) %100) as varchar ) + ':' +

    CAST( (run_time %100) as varchar )as datetime ) as RunDate,

    ( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)as RunSeconds

    From Msdb..Sysjobhistory sjh inner join Msdb..Sysjobs sj on sjh.job_id = sj.job_id

    Where Run_Date > = CONVERT(varchar(20),GETDATE()-1,112)

    Order By RunDate

    Kindest Regards,

    Sameer Raval [Sql Server DBA]
    Geico Insurance

  • Note that the Agent will only retain so much history (based on your settings) and so you may not have 30 days of history to query.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • I have a query again around this issue.

    The below query gives me the required results.

    SELECT sj.name AS JobName,Count(*) AS COUNT,

    AVG(( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)) AS AvgRunSec,

    Max(( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)) AS MaxRunSec,

    Min(( run_duration % 100 )+ -- seconds

    (((run_duration/100) % 100 ) * 60) + -- minutes in seconds

    (((run_duration/10000) % 100 ) * 3600)) AS MinRunSec

    FROM MSDB..SYSJOBHISTORY sjh INNER Join MSDB..SYSJOBS sj ON sjh.job_id = sj.job_id

    WHERE Run_Date >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),GETDATE()-1,112)

    AND STEP_ID = 0

    GROUP BY sj.name

    However, I want to know the status of current running job, but, step_id=0 entry is available in Sysjobhistory only after job fails/succeeds. Is there any way to extract the above results for the current running job,


  • SYSJOBHISTORY is only written to on completions: step completion and Job completion. To get current status you will have to start in SYSJOBACTIVITY.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

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