time default before repl requires re-sync?

  • I've got a server that needs to be taken down for a day or two.  It's a subscriber to replication.

    Does anyone know what SQL's default amount of time is that replication is "allowed" to be down before a re-sync/intitialization is required?

    i.e. I'm wondering if I will have to do a full re-sync on the box being worked on when I bring it back up.  Or, will it only require a reinitialization if it's down for X amount of time or more...?


    -Scott Daly


  • The three factors to consider are the transaction retention period, the publication retention and the history retention. If they're all longer than the timeout then you're ok. To check, run

    sp_helpdistributor -- gives you the 'max distrib retention', 'history' retention

    sp_helppublication -- in the publishing database, gives you the 'retention'

    Finally, make sure all the subscribers have synchronized before you go offline.


    Paul Ibison (http://www.replicationanswers.com)

    Paul Ibison

  • Great, thank you Paul!

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