Third Party Reporting for SQLServer

  • I'm running SS2k and I don't have SSRS. Are there free reporting apps so that users can display saved queries?

    What other options are there for users to run saved queries without needing Access on every user's machine?

  • Ive not seen a free mini reporting suite, but i have used Apex SQL Reports in the past.

    Its a really good reporting suite for the smaller business/low budget setups. Its not free, its $599/£300 but its well worth the investment as the time saved creating reports would pay for this.

  • Thanks. I've been doing research on this one and I can't come up with anything. I did, however, create some reporting templates in Excel for the common, repeating reports that users ask for. It allows users to format the results as they see fit, but, it's not the 'perfect' solution ...

    I will have to do a lot of user training to get the users to see the Excel reports as snapshots, and not to see the spreadsheet as the whole of the data. Something happens in users minds when they can manipulate data .... "Power corrupts, and newly discovered power to sort columns corrupts absolutely."

    I'd still love to hear if anyone else has ideas about free reporting apps.

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