The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report

  • I am trying to implement a SSRS reporting dashboard similar to the SQL-performance-dashboard-reports that allows me to click on a link to pull up another report (sub-report) passing it a server name as a parameter. The Data Source is setup to use Embedded connection with the following connection string:

    ="Data Source=" & Parameters!ServerName.Value & ";Initial Catalog=msdb"

    This works with the SQL-performance-dashboard-reports. The credentials is setup to use Windows Authentication (integrated security). The only parameter I am passing is the Servername. I can't get it to work with other reports.

    I followed the instruction in the two links below:

    When I click on a link to open another report, I get the error message below. How do I correct this?

    The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report or shared dataset. Either the user data source credentials are not stored in the report server database, or the user data source is configured not to require credentials but the unattended execution account is not specified. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting)

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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