The Power of Technology

  • The police chief could not even bring himself to tell the news. He said he felt liked Kim was part of the family, it became very personal.

    Did he do the right thing to leave the family?   How can you judge his action ? It is easy to say now but they were stuck in the snow and no help was in sight, they did not even know if anyone was coming to save them.  They might die if he stayed with his family too. 

    Just hope his family is doing fine.  

  • I'll play "arm chair analyst", not to criticize, but to educate...

    You can live:

    3 minutes without air (they had plenty of the fresh stuff)

    3 hours without warmth/shelter (they were able to build a fire)

    3 days without water (snow all over the place)

    3 weeks without food (and they had rations)


    He really should have stayed put...or at least stuck to the roads.


    We'll certainly be praying the family.

    Take care,


    "Speculations? I know nothing about speculations. I'm resting on certainties. I know that my Redeemer lives, and because He lives, I shall live also." - Michael Faraday

  • It's a sad ending and Mr. Kim did what he thought was right. Thoughts and prayers to his family.

    They didn't do anything wrong, jusgot caught in a bad situation. I'd just warn people to be more conservative with your families out there. Here in Colorado we're always aware the weather can change and for the worse. Don't take chances with your kids, no matter how little time to have to see or do something and how confident you are.

    Most of time you will be fine, but there are always cases like this.

  • They had they didn't. The article said that the wife was NURSING the children because they had run out of food.


  • I'm not going to start swapping arguments here.

    They had rations.  Whether or not they used them effectively is up for grabs.

    The POINT is, a person can live for 3 weeks without ANY food.

    Take care,


    "Speculations? I know nothing about speculations. I'm resting on certainties. I know that my Redeemer lives, and because He lives, I shall live also." - Michael Faraday

  • Unless I heard the news wrong, he did not go out to keep going until he could find help, he went out, and told his family he would be back after a few hours, and was going to see if he could find any help. 

    The bigger question is why he left the road.  I know in his position, I would have probably done the same thing, get out, walk a couple miles down the road looking for houses/cabins/whatever, and turn around and come back after a short while if I couldn't find anything. 

    It's sad what happened, but, I do think very few of us would have been able to stay still in one place any longer then he did.

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