The OPENJSON return schema

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The OPENJSON return schema

  • I've not used this functionality, but the spec. doesn't say to me what the topic suggests:

  • This comment alludes to the expected correct answer so I put it in a spoiler block.


    Either I misunderstood the question (which is likely here) or the below working code should not work since I didn't specify a path in the WITH clause, what am I misunderstanding?

    DECLARE @j_data NVARCHAR(max) = '[
    "row_id": 1,
    "row_text_value": "This is my text",
    "row_date_value": "2021-09-21T08:31:48"
    }, {
    "row_id": 2,
    "row_text_value": "This is my other text",
    "row_date_value": "2021-08-07T18:29:13"

    SELECT * FROM openjson(@j_data) WITH (
    row_id INT,
    row_text_value VARCHAR(128),
    row_date_value DATETIME2

    The documentation reads:

    with_clause contains a list of columns with their types for OPENJSON to return. By default, OPENJSON matches keys in jsonExpression with the column names in with_clause (in this case, matches keys implies that it is case sensitive). If a column name does not match a key name, you can provide an optional column_path, which is a JSON Path Expression that references a key within the jsonExpression


  • Spoiler:

    But the quoted text from the docs doesn't say anywhere that a name, data type, and JSON path are required, merely that with_clause contains a list of columns with their types.  It later says you can provide an optional column path, which is a JSON Path expression, but it's optional.

  • Good catch. I misread the help. I've updated the answers and explanation.

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