Text Editor Customization Question

  • Hey Everyone,

    I've just started using SQL Server 2012 (from 2005/2008) and the text editor for queries is color-coding my table and column names in this annoying teal color. I went to Tools>Options...>Environment>Fonts and Colors>Text Editor and I can not find the setting for that to change it to a different color. I went and changed everything that I could find that was set to that color, but no luck. Does anyone know what I need to change to get that back to black or something that doesn't hurt my eyes?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • It's the "Identifier" Display Item that you need to change when showing the settings for Text Editor, change the Item foreground to Black.

  • Thanks so much! For some reason the default showed as black in the options even though it was teal which is why I missed it. I explicitly set it to black and that worked! 🙂 You have saved my eyes! 🙂

    Thanks again!

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