Text data type into variable - error

  • With two sql server 7 sites using vbscript:

    Session("Widget") = MyDatabase("Widget")

    Where the database field "Widget" is a Data Type = Text

    One site gives an error, the other works!

    I suspect that the difference is a service pack, where the one that gives an error is 7.00.623 and the no error one is 7.00.961

    Can anyone confirm that this is an SP issue?

    If so, what other differences exist?

    Kind Regards


  • Is everything exactly the same? There is an ADO bug that causes text problems if the text fields are not at the end of the table.

    Steve Jones


  • Steve.. yes the code is exactly the same. I should also point out that the servers are running the same SP of NT4 but only my local Intranet version is running MDAC 2.6, I am not sure what vesion the remote server is running.(that is the one that gives the error).

  • 7.00.623 is with no service pack.

    Before sp2 sql server had lots of problems - basically locking didn't work very well and the server could return incorrect data.

    This was fixed with sp2 as well as many other things which slowed the server down a lot but at least it worked.

    I would put sp3 on anyway.

    mdac is another thing which would affect this so you need to make sure the versions are correct.

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