Technical Pain Behaviors

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors

  • I experience chronic technical pain with one application that I have used since 1986 when I bought my first version and continue to use today with the 2014 version.  I have bought the 2017 version but have not implemented it.  Over the years, the application has been sold to two different companies and has become subscription-based.  The developers have gone in directions that I do not need and do not like.  The version I use is relatively problem-free, but being a career-long programmer, analyst, SQL Developer, and DBA, I can intuitively tell there are design problems with the secret data storage and process problems which they don't tell you about and you are powerless to rectify.  After years of trusting my data to this application, I find that it has allowed me to commit my data to it without proper controls, and now there are things that fixing would have unwanted and dangerous consequences due to their implementation of some features.  This leaves me where the only means of handling it would be to begin manually entering my data again into a new copy.  I've recently completed re-entering all my data for 2024 into a year-old backup due to one hidden 'feature' which damaged the data for a year before I discovered the problem.

    However, the issue is that in spite of its problems and shortcomings, it remains as the best option for my needs.  They are definitely not going to fix the data storage design issues, they have daily, yes daily issues reported on their user forum related to movement of data between online systems and user's machines that are due to a horrible design of data transfer, and the usual response is:

    "We do not have an ETA at this time for a resolution for this issue, though our teams continue to work towards a solution. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience."

    While there are other similar applications on the market, they are even less aligned with my needs, so my only option is to endure the chronic pain inherent in using my aging version.  At least I can see my 80+ years of data, albeit with problems I can't fix.

    Disaster Recovery = Backup ( Backup ( Your Backup ) )

  • Oh, Louis, you've definitely hit a major pain point for me at my current job. When we experience issues on the servers like you've described I rarely see any effort put into trying to determine the root cause of the issue. Instead, there's an urgent cry of, "GET IT UP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" So, most of the time the server is rebooted. Thus, over time the problems come up again and again and again, with no effort at all at determining the root cause. And I have the same problem with my desktop at work. I got the desktop last year in the March/April timeframe. I set it up and was happy with it for several months, then BSODs started happening on a frequent basis, as in 3 BSODs per week was a good week. This desktop is under warranty, but they will not get it fixed. Instead, they did to my desktop what they do to the servers. Over the Christmas/New Years break they reimaged my desktop. I lost A LOT, and they couldn't care less. So, yes, my desktop has improved, but it's beginning to experience similar problems as it did before. Applications I'm using, like Word, Excel, or internal apps we've written, are beginning to instantly close and mysteriously not write to the event log. And last week I experienced two BSODs, with different stop codes. (Yeah, I track these things.) But they will never do anything to determine the root cause. I wonder why they bother to get warranties, if they never use them.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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