Table Wrap

  • I am trying to get a table to wrap on the same page if there is still room for it.  My table only has 2 columns that take up about 1 1/2 inches of the 8 on the page and the report is ending up 4-20 pages long depending on the data used. 

    I would like the table to wrap on the page so that it is repeated at lest 3 to 4 time on the page before going to another page, this will cut the report down more than half. 

    Is this possible?

    Thanks for help ahead of time.


  • It is possible to setup columns but I found it trial and error as Studio won't show the columns in the preview (which make you think it's not working). I found you had to print it or export it as a PDF to see what multiple columns looked like.

    From the report menu select Report properties.

    Set the page size.

    Add the number of columns you want.

    The report development area is now split into columns, put the table in the first column and leave the others blank.

    Hopefully that should do it.

  • thanks that worked. 

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