t-sql 2012 issue with an update statement

  • My goal is to change the t-sql 2012 listed below so that it updates the

    Milestone.[TOT_ABSENCES] field with the value sum(Details.[TOT_ABSENCES]).

    Here is the sql that works correctly on a select statement:

    select Milestone.SCHOOLNUM,Milestone.STULINK,Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR
    ,sum(Details.[TOT_ABSENCES]) as TOT_ABSENCES
    from Milestone Milestone
    join Details Details
    on Details.SCHOOLNUM =Milestone.SCHOOLNUM
    and Details.STULINK =Milestone.STULINK
    and Details.SCHOOLYEAR =Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR
    where Milestone.MILESTONE_CODE= '005'
    and Details.schoolyear = (select max(schoolyear) FROM Semester)
    group by Milestone.SCHOOLNUM,Milestone.STULINK,Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR

    However I get an error message about does not like the group by on the following sql:

    However I get an error message about does not like the group by on the following sql:
    update Milestone
    set TOT_ABSENCES = sum(Details.[TOT_ABSENCES])
    from Milestone Milestone
    join Details Details
    on Details.SCHOOLNUM =Milestone.SCHOOLNUM
    and Details.STULINK =Milestone.STULINK
    and Details.SCHOOLYEAR =Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR
    where Milestone.MILESTONE_CODE= '005'
    and Details.schoolyear = (select max(schoolyear) FROM Semester)
    group by Milestone.SCHOOLNUM,Milestone.STULINK,Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR

    Thus could you show me and/or give me possible suggestions on how to modify the

    sql I am referring to?

  • You need to use a CTE or a sub-query to generate your aggregates, and then join to that for the update

    WITH cteUpdate as (
    select Milestone.SCHOOLNUM, Milestone.STULINK, Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR
    , sum(Details.[TOT_ABSENCES]) as TOT_ABSENCES
    from Milestone Milestone
    inner join Details Details
    on Details.SCHOOLNUM = Milestone.SCHOOLNUM
    and Details.STULINK = Milestone.STULINK
    and Details.SCHOOLYEAR = Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR
    where Milestone.MILESTONE_CODE = '005'
    and Details.schoolyear = (select max(schoolyear) FROM Semester)
    group by Milestone.SCHOOLNUM, Milestone.STULINK, Milestone.SCHOOLYEAR
    UPDATE ms
    FROM Milestone AS ms
    INNER JOIN cteUpdate AS upd
  • that answers my question

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