sysdatabases equivalent for OLAP DBs

  • Is there a system table that holds the names of OLAP DBs?  If not, then is there some other way to query that information?



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  • Hi there

    You need to look at the tables that hold the meta data for Analysis Services. When you install AS it uses an Access DB to hold this info

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Analysis Services\Bin\msmdrep.mdb

    . You should really migrate this to a SQL Server DB. 


    Hope this helps

  • Thanks Hari.

    Can you elaborate though?  Should it be converted to a SQL Server DB just for the sake of getting the table information I'm talking about?  Or should it be converted to a SQL Server DB, and used as such, on an ongoing basis?

    Please forgive my lack of knowledge.  I'm just getting started with OLAP.


  • It should be migrated to MSSQL to utilise the SQL engine as the repository DB engine, allow for it's inclusion in your backup routine of your SQL installation, and generally to make you feel better about it not being in MSAccess .  Another thing you can do when it's in MSSQL is add the triggers (as per MSft documents on msdn) that will give you some level of logging of who changed what, when (ie a small amount of change control audit).


  • getting back to your original question, the way to interrogate objects in AS is through the use of DSO (Decision Support OBjects).  This is very easy to do with VB6, slightly harder with VBScript (no object typing ) and OK(ish) with .net (I've used C#) but a little more cumbersome because of the poor object model used in AS2K (bring on Yukon!).

    There are many example scripts/VB code on websites (like msdn) that can get you started, as well as BOL.


  • Thanks for your help Steve.

    Regarding converting the mdb file to a SQL Server DB, It's puzzling to me why MS didn't do that for us to begin with! 

  • Honestly, I think ti was so that AS could be installed without SQL, but (for us anyway) the reality is that to manage an Enterprise installation of AS, we need the repository to be stored in SQL and will either get another license or utilise an existing one.


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