Syntax error using openquery()

  • Not quite sure what SQL is complaining about here so need some fresh eyes please. I'm trying to put the result of an openquery() into a variable. My code is:

    declare @ram_id varchar(50),
    @tsql nvarchar(1000)
    set @tsql = 'select @id = service_ref from OPENQUERY([remoteserver],"select Service_Ref from [remoteDB].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = ''2''")'

    exec sp_executesql @tsql, N'@id varchar(50) OUT'

    When I run it I get the error:  Incorrect syntax near 'select Service_Ref from [remoteDB].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = '2''

    If I take that exact line and paste it (minus the outer quotes) on the remote server it executes perfectly.

  • I can't test the openquery part of your code but I am pretty sure that the double quotes are your problem.  I also added a bit to your sp_executesql that appeared to be missing, so try this:

    declare @ram_id varchar(50),
    @tsql nvarchar(1000)
    set @tsql = 'select @id = service_ref from OPENQUERY([remoteserver],''select Service_Ref from [remoteDB].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = ''2'''')'
    PRINT @tsql;

    exec sp_executesql @tsql, N'@id varchar(50) OUT', @id = @ram_id OUTPUT;
  • Almost there but....

    This is the result of PRINT @tsql followed by the error

    select @id = service_ref from OPENQUERY([remoteserver],'select Service_Ref from [remotedb].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = '2'')

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 12

    Incorrect syntax near '2'.

  • You would think with all the dynamic SQL I have to write I'd count the single quotes correctly.  Try either of the set comments below, see which one works.

    declare @ram_id varchar(50),
    @tsql nvarchar(1000)
    set @tsql = 'select @id = service_ref from OPENQUERY([remoteserver],''select Service_Ref from [remoteDB].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = 2'')'
    PRINT @tsql;
    set @tsql = 'select @id = service_ref from OPENQUERY([remoteserver],''select Service_Ref from [remoteDB].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = ''''2'''''')'
    PRINT @tsql;

    exec sp_executesql @tsql, N'@id varchar(50) OUT', @id = @ram_id OUTPUT;
  • This works prefectly thanks!

    declare @ram_id varchar(50),
    @tsql nvarchar(1000)
    set @tsql = 'select @ram_id = service_ref from OPENQUERY([remoteserver],''select Service_Ref from [remotedb].[dbo].[Service_Request] where service_request_number = ''''2'''''')'
    --PRINT @tsql;

    exec sp_executesql @tsql, N'@ram_id varchar(50) OUT', @ram_id OUTPUT;
    select @ram_id

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