Switch back to Native Mode from Sharepoint Integrated Mode

  • Hi Friends,

    I installed reporting services in our environment. Configured the Sharepoint Integrated Mode. Now I am asked to revert it to back to Native mode due to some other requirement. I could not find an option to drop or overwrite.

    Please help.



  • it will either need to be an uninstall, then reinstall if you want to keep the instance names the same, or just reinstall with a new instance name in native mode. there is no way to change from one mode to the other.

  • Thanks anthony.



  • I think there is posibility to switch to native mode without reinstallation.

    Please check:



  • I have the same problem, because we are moving our SharePoint to the cloud and Integrated Mode will not work in the MS Cloud.

    Now I need to migrate hundreds of reports over to a native mode server. In the MS KB http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb326407%28v=sql.105%29.aspx it tells how to switch the settings without un-install and re-install.

    However, as with all things Microsoft, there is a catch. You can migrate, but all the reports, subscriptions, datasources, etc. etc. etc. have to be re-created.

    "Content must be republished to the report server, you must assign roles on the report server that grants access to items and operations, and you must redefine subscriptions and scheduled operations. Report history that you created on the report server that ran in SharePoint integrated mode cannot be recreated on a native mode report server."

    Is there anyone, anywhere who has a script that can do all this. BTW SQLDBATIPS.com no longer exists so the old script that keeps being mentioned on these forums is not accessible.

    Please help before I have to spend hours and hours migrating.

    Thank you in advance 😀

  • Thank you:

    jhood 36885 (6/7/2013)

    I know this is an old post, but I thought I would add what I found. I went to archive.org, and pasted in http://www.sqldbatips.com/showarticle.asp?ID=62 into the WayBackMachine and found the site. I then download the zip file from the cached copy of the website. Archive.org, a great project.

    I did this and it worked!

    Now to find how to use the tool.

    Apparently Jasper Smith's site moved and is now hosted on sqlblogcasts.com.


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