Sum(A) by B but use the first row for C?

  • Hi all,

    Assume that i have the table as follow:

    Table Tmp,

    UserID , Num1 , Num2

    A 10 15

    A 20 25

    C 30 35

    and i have statement like this:

    select userid , sum(Num1)

    from Tmp

    group by userid

    result is:

    A 30

    C 30

    but the problem is i want using value of the first row of column Num2,

    select userid , sum(Num1) , Num2

    from Tmp

    group by userid


    UserID , Num1 , Num2

    A 10 15

    A 20 25

    C 30 35

    what i expected is

    UserID , Num1 , Num2

    A 30 15

    C 30 35

    So, how do i do this?



  • Check with these statements, is any performance cross, you update last column in the separate statement.

    select a.userid , sum(a.Num1)

    ,(select top 1 b.Num2 from Tmp b where b.userid = a.userid) as Num2

    from Tmp a

    group by a.userid

  • > using value of the first row of column Num2

    You'll have to explain what "first" row means, but see if this helps

    select userid , sum(Num1) ,min(Num2)

    from Tmp

    group by userid


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  • Hi mark,

    The sample data may be like this

    create table #temp


    uid1 varchar(5),

    col1 int,

    col2 int


    insert into #temp

    select 'A',10,15

    union all

    select 'A',15,25

    union all

    select 'B',25,10

    union all

    select 'B',35,15

    union all

    select 'C',50,25


    thanks for your solution :), i checked performance of this method and my method, it is nearly the same(around 2mil records)

    i just checked the time which the query return , no more 🙂


    The "first row" means the row which come first in a group.

    In my sample, that is the first row of "A" group.

    About some syntax when post new thread, thanks for mention it to me, i will follow that.



  • sol-356065 (10/12/2009)


    The "first row" means the row which come first in a group.

    In my sample, that is the first row of "A" group.

    SQL does not have a "first" row. Sets do not have any order.

    You need to apply an order to the data in order to determine what "first" is. In you example, you would need to order by Col1 and/or Col2 in order to get the "first" for A-group. So, the question is more about how to do you order your data to determine which row is actually the "first" row.

  • Lamprey13 (10/14/2009)

    sol-356065 (10/12/2009)

    SQL does not have a "first" row. Sets do not have any order.

    You need to apply an order to the data in order to determine what "first" is. In you example, you would need to order by Col1 and/or Col2 in order to get the "first" for A-group. So, the question is more about how to do you order your data to determine which row is actually the "first" row.

    Yes, You're right. I did not explain well for my example. What i mean is value of the row that i want in a group, maybe that is the first row or the last row( order by something ).



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