subtracting a case statement result from a Convert(char(8) result

  • Hello,

    I am struggling to get a case statement result to be subtracted from another result in the same format.I want to be able to subtract the result of this:

    CASE WHEN QueueDate IS NULL THEN convert(char(8), StartDate,108) ELSE convert(char(8),QueueDate ,108) END

    from this:

    CONVERT(char(8), EndDate, 108)

    but I can't get it to work. I'm struggling as I'm writing freehand SQL in VB and it just says automation error.

    Please note, StartDate, QueueDate and EndDate are all DateTime2 fields and I need the result to return hh:mm:ss.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • don't change data types.

    if you are using dates, use DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions. don't convert them to strings, or any other data type.

    something like this returns the minutes in difference(if you use seconds, there's a max diff of ~71 years before a datatype overflow)

    you can then format the minutes to whatever you want.



    WHEN QueueDate IS NULL

    THEN DATEDIFF(mi,StartDate,EndDate)

    ELSE DATEDIFF(mi,QueueDate,EndDate)



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  • Hi Lowell, thanks for your help, this runs without error and returns the result in minutes. I modified it so it returns seconds for what I need. However, I was hoping to have the result in hh:mm:ss format, is that at all possible?

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: there would be a maximum of 15 mins between each of the three DateTime2 fields and never crosses into the next day. Not sure if that adds anything.

  • Why use a CASE statement?

    SELECT DATEDIFF(ss,ISNULL(QueueDate,StartDate),EndDate)

    For duration, here's a formula using date/time calculations.




    SELECT @StartDT = '2000-01-01 10:30:50.780'

    ,@EndDT = '2000-01-02 12:34:56.789'


    --===== Display the dates and the desired format for duration

    SELECT StartDT = @StartDT

    ,EndDT = @EndDT

    ,Duration = STUFF(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DATEADD( ss, DATEDIFF( ss, @StartDT, @EndDT), 0),114),1,2,DATEDIFF(hh,@StartDT, @EndDT))

    It's partially explained in here:

    You just need to join both of these options, which you shouldn't have a problem if you understand them. 😉

    Luis C.
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  • That format is pretty straight forward if you have the diff in seconds.

    SELECT CAST( (DATEDIFF(second, '3/14/2016', getdate()) / 60) / 60 AS varchar) + ':' + CAST( (DATEDIFF(second, '3/14/2016', getdate()) / 60) % 60 AS varchar) + ':' + CAST(DATEDIFF(second, '3/14/2016', getdate()) % 60 AS varchar)

  • jimtimber (3/14/2016)

    Hi Lowell, thanks for your help, this runs without error and returns the result in minutes. I modified it so it returns seconds for what I need. However, I was hoping to have the result in hh:mm:ss format, is that at all possible?

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: there would be a maximum of 15 mins between each of the three DateTime2 fields and never crosses into the next day. Not sure if that adds anything.

    Didn't see this before my reply, the formula could be simpler if the duration is less than 24 hours.

    Duration = CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DATEADD( ss, DATEDIFF( ss, @StartDT, @EndDT), 0),114)

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • ZZartin (3/14/2016)

    That format is pretty straight forward if you have the diff in seconds.

    SELECT CAST( (DATEDIFF(second, '3/14/2016', getdate()) / 60) / 60 AS varchar) + ':' + CAST( (DATEDIFF(second, '3/14/2016', getdate()) / 60) % 60 AS varchar) + ':' + CAST(DATEDIFF(second, '3/14/2016', getdate()) % 60 AS varchar)

    Too long:-P

    Also, you're not defining length for your varchars, that's a bad practice that can hurt at the less expected moment.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Ah.. yeah true, didn't see that the dates would always be the same day.

  • Ah, this is a lot more complex than I'd have hoped. Most important for the result, I have to have the hh:mm:ss format.

    ZZmartin, I tried your suggestion, it said automation error. (I'm writing freehand in SQL so can't see what is falling over). I checked the code in Notepad++ but couldn't see the issue.

    Luis Cazares, the SELECT DATEDIFF(ss,ISNULL(QueueDate,StartDate),EndDate) part is much cleaner than my code and works fine, thank you.

    However, I really need it in hh:mm:ss and I've got stuck on the "declare" part of your second but of code ( I have used it in SQL Server Management Studio before but I'm not sure this can be done when trying to run SQL via VB?).

  • The method Luis posted should work if you'll never have differences more than 24 hours.

    This should work to get the format you want.

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(30), DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, CASE WHEN QueueDate IS NULL THEN StartDate ELSE QueueDate END, EndDate), 0), 120), 8)

  • Maybe?:

    SELECT CONVERT(varchar(8), DATEADD(SECOND, DATEDIFF(SECOND, ISNULL(QueueDate, StartDate), EndDate), 0), 8)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • I'm not sure what to do with the DECLARE part of it. I have added the:


    at the beginning of my statement and then added to the SELECT statement:

    RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(30), DATEADD(s,DATEDIFF(s,CASE WHEN QueueDate IS NULL THEN @StartTime ELSE QueueDate END, @EndTime),0),120),8)

    and in the WHERE clause:

    WHERE @StartTime=StartDate AND @EndTime=EndDate

    It runs without error but doesn't output anything at all. I'm lost!! 🙂

  • Same thing, just shorter

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(30), DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, ISNULL(QueueDate,StartDate), EndDate), 0), 120), 8)

  • Same thing, just shorter

    SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(30), DATEADD(second, DATEDIFF(second, ISNULL(QueueDate,StartDate), EndDate), 0), 120), 8)

  • jimtimber (3/14/2016)

    I'm not sure what to do with the DECLARE part of it. I have added the:


    at the beginning of my statement and then added to the SELECT statement:

    RIGHT(CONVERT(varchar(30), DATEADD(s,DATEDIFF(s,CASE WHEN QueueDate IS NULL THEN @StartTime ELSE QueueDate END, @EndTime),0),120),8)

    and in the WHERE clause:

    WHERE @StartTime=StartDate AND @EndTime=EndDate

    It runs without error but doesn't output anything at all. I'm lost!! 🙂

    You shouldn't need the declare part or the where clause at all. What that's doing is declaring a variable which will be NULL then the where clause is never returning any results since it's comparing a NULL variable to the fields.

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