subscriber part of ALWAYSON

  • Hi.

    Publisher stop sending transaction to AOAG primary replica whenever AG failover.  It seems push publisher does not re-directed to subscription database while AG failover.

    Replication monitor found error messages as below. please suggest me how resolve this issues?

    Command attempted:

    if COLUMNPROPERTY( OBJECT_ID('MSreplication_subscriptions'),'distribution_agent','AllowsNull') <> 1 BEGIN alter table MSreplication_subscriptions alter column distribution_agent sysname null end

    Error messages:

    Failed to update database "DBNAME" because the database is read-only. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 3906)

    Get help: http://help/3906

    Failed to update database "RUMS" because the database is read-only. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 3906)

    Get help: http://help/3906


  • Are you sure you are using the listener for the AG as the connection point of the subscriber and not the individual replica name?

  • hi.

    TB002 is Publisher and distributor role.

    TB003 is subscriber role. and TBSQLT02 is AOAG listener name.

    so AOAG in primary role in TB003 then replication publisher successfully connected to subscriber, if failover AOAG then push  publisher does not connected to fail-over replica TB004. as below screenshots TBSQLT02 already exists in replication.


  • Fixed that issues after removed that subscriber hostname in publisher and maintained only AOAG listener only. tested failover AG setup and standalone publisher connected to subscriber through listener.


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