subquery concantenation with nulls

  • Greetings -

    I think I may need "Coalesce" here but can't get my head around it. I have a query that needs to concantenate 3 fields in the output. To complicate it, I need to lookup the values to use from lookup tables and sometimes one of the fields may be null. So the code for this single field is like this:

    (SELECT CT_County_Name FROM LookUps.dbo.CT_County_Table where CT_County = A.HA_COUNTY) + ', '

    + (SELECT TOP 1 ROUTE_NAME FROM LookUps.dbo.LKUP_County_Route WHERE LK_CODE = A.HA_ROUTE ) + ', '


    AS Location

    of course, the problem there is that if any of the subqueries return NULL, the entire field becomes NULL.

    Is there any way around this?

    thanks in advance

  • You can use IsNull on each field

    IsNull((SELECT CT_County_Name FROM LookUps.dbo.CT_County_Table where CT_County = A.HA_COUNTY),'') + ', '

    + IsNUll((SELECT TOP 1 ROUTE_NAME FROM LookUps.dbo.LKUP_County_Route WHERE LK_CODE = A.HA_ROUTE ),'') + ', '


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  • Well, dog poo... that's what I had been trying but couldn't get the parser to like it. Maybe I still had my parathesis messed up 'cause it seems to like it the way you wrote it.


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