String manipulation : Need to change the first and last letters to upper case

  • I need to change the first and last letter to upper case . The below piece of the code works , just wanted to know if there is a better way of doing it .

    declare @name varchar(100)

    Select @name = 'test'

    print Upper(substring(@name,1,1))+Substring(@name,2,Len(@name)-2) + Upper(substring(@name,(len(@name)-0),Len(@name)))

  • 3 possible options. I used LOWER, but I'm not sure if you need it.

    PRINT UPPER(LEFT(@name,1)) + LOWER( SUBSTRING(@name,2,Len(@name)-2)) + UPPER(right(@name,1))

    PRINT STUFF( STUFF( LOWER(@Name), 1, 1, UPPER(LEFT(@name,1))), LEN(@name), 1, UPPER(RIGHT(@name,1)))

    PRINT UPPER(LEFT(@name,1)) + STUFF( LOWER(SUBSTRING(@name,2, 100)), LEN(@name) - 1, 1, UPPER(RIGHT(@name,1)))

    Luis C.
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  • You've said letter.

    What about strings like Select @name = 'test2' or Select @name = ' test' , what result is expected?

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