string function

  • I am migrating data from one table into another; in the old table, there is a single name column (first last), but in the new table, I want them seperated into 2 columns (firstname, lastname)...Basically, I need a function that I identifies the place of the space between the first & last names (like the InStr function in Access), but I don't see any SQL server string functions that can do this....any suggestions?

  • CHARINDEX or PATINDEX (reference in BOL) will perform what you are looking for 🙂

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • You could try something like:


    select top 5 left(Full_Name_Field, CHARINDEX (' ',Full_Name_Field, 1)) as First_Name,

    right(rtrim(Full_Name_Field), len(Full_Name_Field) - CHARINDEX (' ',Full_Name_Field, 1)) as Last_Name,

    from customer_Table

    where Full_Name_Field like '% [a-z]%'

    update customer_Table


    First_Name = left(Full_Name_Field, 0, CHARINDEX (' ',Full_Name_Field, 1))),

    Last_Name = right(Full_Name_Field, len(Full_Name_Field) - CHARINDEX (' ',Full_Name_Field, 2)),

    updated = 1 -- This would be a bit flag that would be updated to let you know that this record does not have to be checked again.

    from customer_Table

    where Full_Name_Field like '% %'

    and updated <> 1


  • Here is a proc that demonstrates parsing a string out by a delimeter into multiple words. It should work to suit your purpose directly, or as an example of how to use the charindex functions to accomplish what you need to do.  I have a version written as a function as well, but this should be more specific to your needs. It will work on sql 7.0 and 2000.



    create procedure sp__ParseWordsToTable

     @string     varchar(255)

     ,@delimeter varchar(1) = ' ' --default to space delimeted.

     ,@word1 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word2 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word3 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word4 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word5 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word6 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word7 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word8 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word9 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word10 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word11 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word12 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word13 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word14 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word15 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word16 varchar(30) = null OUTPUT

     ,@word_count tinyint = 0  OUTPUT

     ,@resultset_yn tinyint = 0  




     Purpose: Parse words from values from a delimited string

      & insert them into a temp table or return them as output parameters  

     @id_txt - an array of combined coverage ids

    Copyright 1996, 1997, 2000 Clayton Groom (

    Note: only allows for delimiters of 1 character in length



    DECLARE @continue int

     ,@start_pos int

     ,@length int

     ,@delimeter_pos int

     ,@word  varchar(30)

    CREATE TABLE #tmp_word (tmp_id int NOT NULL identity(1,1)

       ,word varchar(30) null)

    -- parse the original @string array into a temp table

    SELECT  @continue = 1

      ,@start_pos = 1

      ,@string  = RTRIM( LTRIM( @string ))

      ,@length   = DATALENGTH( RTRIM( LTRIM( @string )))

    WHILE @continue = 1


     SELECT @delimeter_pos = CHARINDEX( @delimeter

           , (SUBSTRING( @string, @start_pos

           , ((@length - @start_pos) + 1))))

     IF @delimeter_pos > 0  -- delimeter(s) found, get the value


      SELECT @word = SUBSTRING( @string , @start_pos,

            (@delimeter_pos - 1))

      SELECT @start_pos = @delimeter_pos + @start_pos


     ELSE -- No more delimeters, get last value


      SELECT @word = SUBSTRING(@string, @start_pos,

           ((@length - @start_pos) + 1))

      SELECT @continue = 0


     INSERT INTO #tmp_word (word)VALUES( @word )


    select  @word1 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 1

    select  @word2 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 2

    select  @word3 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 3

    select  @word4 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 4

    select  @word5 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 5

    select  @word6 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 6

    select  @word7 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 7

    select  @word8 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 8

    select  @word9 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 9

    select  @word10 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 10

    select  @word11 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 11

    select  @word12 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 12

    select  @word13 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 13

    select  @word14 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 14

    select  @word15 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 15

    select  @word16 = word from #tmp_word where tmp_id = 16

    select @word_count = count(*) from #tmp_word

    if @resultset_yn = 1


    select word from #tmp_word order by tmp_id





    Kindest Regards,


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