Stored Procedure Question

  • Hi,

    I am trying to add the field 'OrderID' into the master list for an Insert query. How would I do that? Basically, I want the query to Insert a row using StudentID, PackageID, and OrderID as the identifiers. Here is the current code:

    Insert into nStudentExams

    (StudentID, ExamName, OrderID, PackageID, ForCE, Hours)



    dbo.nPackages.PackageName + ' Final Exam' AS ExamName,


    dbo.nStudentCourses.PackageID, dbo.nStudentCourses.ForCE,

    dbo.nStudentCourses.RequiredStudyTime AS Hours

    FROM dbo.nStudentCourses INNER JOIN

    dbo.nPackages ON

    dbo.nStudentCourses.PackageID = dbo.nPackages.PackageID LEFT


    dbo.nStudentExams ON

    dbo.nStudentCourses.StudentID = dbo.nStudentExams.StudentID

    WHERE (dbo.nStudentExams.ExamID IS NULL) AND

    (NOT (dbo.nStudentCourses.PackageID IS NULL)) AND

    (dbo.nPackages.HasFinal = 1)

    Thanks in advance!

  • The query runs fine. What I'm trying to do is have 'OrderID' be one of the fields the query looks for within the FROM clause. For example, I want to Insert all the rows within the database that have the same 'StudentID', 'PackageID', and 'OrderID'. I tried to add 'OrderID' from the LEFT INNER JOIN, but it gave me an error message. 'OrderID' is within the nStudentCourses table or Orders table.


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