Stored Procedure Error

  • I am processing some data and storing it in a staging table before exporting.

    At the beginning, I called ALTER TABLE to remove composite Primary Key, from the staging table, composed of 3 columns.

    Then I call ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN to make one column nullable. This column was part of the PK.

    Then after processing and saving data to this table, I call ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN to make the same column NOT NULL.

    Immediately after I call ALTER TABLE to create the PK as it was before I removed it.

    The error I get is:

    Cannot define PRIMARY KEY constraint on nullable column in table 'tmp_ManloadExport'.

    Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Procedure sp_PrepareManloadExportData, Line 53

    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

    It works fine if I run individual commands one by one, in quesry analyzer. And it also works fine in SQL2K5. But it is not working in an SP on SQL 2K. Any ideas?



  • In SQL Server 2000, you may need to make those DDL statements dynamc sql and run them with the EXEC command in your stored proc.

  • Thanks. I will try that approach.

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