Stored Procedure

  • I have a table: Named  HighScores

    "INSERT HighScores

    VALUES ('Bob', 2500, '2 Jan 2013 13:13'),

    ('Jon', 1500, '2 Jan 2013 13:15'),

    ('Amy', 3500, '2 Jan 2013 13:18')"

    I want to create a stored procedure that would:

    The score must show the TOP 5 or so people.

    Show your position on the high score board

    Show the person in front and below you on the high score board.

    If the scores are tied, the person who got it the most recent is shown higher.

    Can anybody assist me please?

  • something like this might work

    DECLARE @rnk INT

    SELECT @rnk=

    rnk FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY score) AS rnk,* FROM highscores

    ) AS X WHERE NAME='Bob'

    SELECT *

    FROM (

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY score) AS rnk,* FROM highscores

    ) AS X WHERE rnk=BETWEEN (@rnk-1 AND @rnk+1 )

    i didn't do the top 5 as i don't have your table structure, but i'm sure you could modify it



  • Thank You. I am getting an error when i run your code. Please see screenshots and also for table structure. Would "Users" be an appropriate column to create as an index?

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  • take the brackets out of the between statement - I put them in by accident


  • This code has the 3 ranking methods (row_num, row_rank, and dense_row_rank) and joins to itself twice to get the next and previous list members.  The ORDER BY for the rankings is both score and entry_dt.

    drop table if exists test_high_scores;
    create table test_high_scores(
    player_namevarchar(10) not null,
    scoreint not null,
    entry_dtdatetime not null);

    insert test_high_scores values
    ('Bob', 2500, '2 jan 2013 13:13'),
    ('Bob', 2500, '2 jan 2013 13:13'),
    ('Jon', 1500, '2 jan 2013 13:15'),
    ('Amy', 1500, '2 jan 2013 13:15'),
    ('Amy', 3500, '2 jan 2013 13:18');

    with ranking_cte as(
    row_number() over(order by score desc, entry_dt desc) as row_num,
    rank() over(order by score desc, entry_dt desc) as row_rank,
    dense_rank() over(order by score desc, entry_dt desc) as dense_row_rank
    rc.*, rc_lag.*, rc_nxt.*
    ranking_cte rc
    left join
    ranking_cte rc_lag on rc.row_num=rc_lag.row_num+1
    left join
    ranking_cte rc_nxt on rc.row_num=rc_nxt.row_num-1
    order by
    rc.row_num asc;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Thank You.

    Can i define player_name as an index?

    How do i  add highscores to the table using pr_PutHighScoreList(stored procedure)

    You can only appear on the high score list once, and only your highest

    score must be stored.


    Also need to record the movement in the highscore table, when

    players move up in position.

  • to the original poster

    it might be wise to google the difference between row_number, rank and dense rank - scdecade was right to point out these options, but you need to understand which one to choose.

    although i'm not keen on the joins in that solution, but if it's a small table then no problem (you won't notice the difference) - but it is a good script based on what you asked for



  • yrstruly wrote:

    Thank You.

    Can i define player_name as an index?

    How do i  add highscores to the table using pr_PutHighScoreList(stored procedure)

    You can only appear on the high score list once, and only your highest

    score must be stored.

    Also need to record the movement in the highscore table, when

    players move up in position.

    if your score can only appear once then you can use the merge command and link based on score and maybe date.

    or use something like

    if exists(select * from scores where score <@currentscore and user='bob')


    delete from scores where.....

    insert into scores .........


    but my advice is to look at the merge command



  • and yes you can assign and index to player name - but get an execution plan first and see what it really needs

    create index IX_scores on highscores(playername) would be approximately the syntax


  • I guess this procedure will also follow the above principle?


    Design a stored proc that will add an entry to HelpDeskCalls.

    For new entries, RefID must be sequential. For updates to existing tasks, the TaskID must be sequential.

    Only the users that are allowed to log entries can do so.

    Calls are closed, but can be reopened if the user not satisfied with the outcome.


    Following reports:

    The number of calls logged, and the average amount of tasks it took to complete.

    The person that logged the most calls.

    The person that fixed the most calls.

    The person that had the most calls reopened.


  • are you doing this for a job interview/school exam?


  • When requesting help with a problem like this, you need to provide CONSUMABLE DATA and expected results.  Text tables are not CONSUMABLE.  PICTURES are not DATA.  This is how you provide consumable data.

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #high_scores;

    CREATE TABLE #high_scores(
    player_nameVARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
    scoreINT NOT NULL,
    entry_dtDATETIME NOT NULL);

    --CREATE INDEX PK_High_Scores ON #high_scores(score DESC, entry_dt DESC, player_name);

    INSERT #high_scores VALUES
    ('Bob', 2500, '2 jan 2013 13:13'),
    ('Ed', 2500, '2 jan 2013 13:12'),
    ('Jon', 1500, '2 jan 2013 13:15'),
    ('Amy', 1500, '2 jan 2013 13:14'),
    ('Rob', 2500, '2 jan 2013 13:13'),
    ('Al', 2000, '2 jan 2014 14:12'),
    ('Chris', 1500, '2 jan 2014 14:15'),
    ('Don', 1500, '2 jan 2014 14:14'),
    ('Geo', 4500, '3 jan 4013 13:13'),
    ('Hal', 4500, '3 jan 4013 13:12'),
    ('Ira', 3000, '3 jan 4013 13:30'),
    ('Jo', 3000, '3 jan 4013 13:14'),
    ('Kurt', 4500, '3 jan 4013 13:13'),
    ('Lily', 4000, '3 jan 4014 14:12'),
    ('Mo', 3000, '3 jan 4014 14:30'),
    ('Nina', 3500, '2 jan 2013 13:18');

    Also note that you should provide enough data to actually test your conditions.  You need at least 8 records (top 5 plus a window of 3 more records) in your sample.  You only provided 3.

    The following approach only requires one scan of the table.  It will give the top 5 players with ties and also show the person requested and the people above and below them in the ranking.  In this example, that is positions 11-13.  If you don't want ties, use ROW_NUMBER() instead of RANK().  You do not want to use DENSE_RANK() here.

    DECLARE @player VARCHAR(10) = 'Al';

    WITH ranked_players AS
    ,RANK() OVER(ORDER BY hs.score DESC, hs.entry_dt DESC) AS player_rank
    ,MAX(CASE WHEN hs.player_name = @player THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER(ORDER BY hs.score DESC, hs.entry_dt DESC ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING) AS in_window
    FROM #high_scores AS hs
    SELECT *
    FROM ranked_players AS rp
    WHERE rp.player_rank <= 5
    OR rp.in_window = 1
    ORDER BY rp.player_rank, rp.entry_dt;


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • The ORDER BY entr_dt I think should be ascending.  Earlier is better?

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • yrstruly wrote:

    Thank You.

    Can i define player_name as an index?

    How do i  add highscores to the table using pr_PutHighScoreList(stored procedure)

    You can only appear on the high score list once, and only your highest

    score must be stored.

    Also need to record the movement in the highscore table, when

    players move up in position.

    Pretty much everything you're listing here is not really necessary imo.  Just you only need to keep a good list of all scores in 1 table.  Your proc is prefixed with "Put..." implying you going to update a score list.  It shouldn't even be necessary to update the list of all scores.  Just insert and delete.  Everything else is queries.

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Steve Collins wrote:

    The ORDER BY entr_dt I think should be ascending.  Earlier is better?

    yrstruly wrote:

    If the scores are tied, the person who got it the most recent is shown higher.

    I assume that higher means higher in the ranking or closer to 1, so it should be descending.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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