Stored proc never completes vs. T-SQL completes in 14 seconds

  • I am wondering what the difference is between essentially the same code running in a query editor window vs. calling the stored procedure that uses the same code in a query window. I'm suspecting I have a tempdb or an available memory issue.

    I am testing a stored procedure task that runs every day from a query window. It will not complete in 10 minutes - same failed result as the scheduled task.

    Extract the code, remove return statements, and modify it to run as straight T-SQL, with all the same variables and values, and it runs in the normal time frame (seconds). This code has been in place for nine years, through a couple of SQL migrations. Its a profit report for past 12 months, and 4 quarters.

    Change the SQL proc to select TOP 50 instead of all 4500 records, and it completes, though a bit slower than the the full T-SQL version. This is all being run on the SQL box.

    I've tried the Recompile option for the procedure without benefit.

    I'm wondering if it's a memory issue on the server. It's reporting 97% used physical memory almost all to Sql Server (8GB total).

    I'll restart the SQL box tonight, but any suggestions or links to helpful articles would be appreciated.

  • notifications 61467 (11/19/2014)

    I am wondering what the difference is between essentially the same code running in a query editor window vs. calling the stored procedure that uses the same code in a query window. I'm suspecting I have a tempdb or an available memory issue.

    I am testing a stored procedure task that runs every day from a query window. It will not complete in 10 minutes - same failed result as the scheduled task.

    Extract the code, remove return statements, and modify it to run as straight T-SQL, with all the same variables and values, and it runs in the normal time frame (seconds). This code has been in place for nine years, through a couple of SQL migrations. Its a profit report for past 12 months, and 4 quarters.

    Change the SQL proc to select TOP 50 instead of all 4500 records, and it completes, though a bit slower than the the full T-SQL version. This is all being run on the SQL box.

    I've tried the Recompile option for the procedure without benefit.

    I'm wondering if it's a memory issue on the server. It's reporting 97% used physical memory almost all to Sql Server (8GB total).

    I'll restart the SQL box tonight, but any suggestions or links to helpful articles would be appreciated.

    Hi and welcome to the forums. We would at the very least need to see the code. Table definitions and indexes along with the actual execution plans would be very useful too.

    Could be stale statistics, index fragmentation or a host of other things.


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  • Sean,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I located a suggestion for the problem I was experiencing:

    I substituted a local variable for the stored procedure parameter used in multiple where clauses.

    The SP now completes in 5 seconds.

    During testing with the old embedded parameter, and changing the final insert statement to a select, I could watch the rows slowly returned from the procedure.

    I'm running tests against the tables in the procedure to determine their state. The slow down is a recent occurrence so something has changed.

    Updated proc:

    Create Proc [dbo].[spMerchantProfitHistorySum_test]

    @dRunDate datetime = NULL



    -- Add local variable to avoid slow sproc execution

    Declare @dLocalRunDate datetime

    set @dLocalRunDate = @dRunDate ;

    -- Validate the @RunDate parameter.

    IF @dLocalRunDate IS NULL


    Select @dLocalRunDate = [Settingvalue] from XXXXXXXSettingstbl Where [Setting] = 'LastClosedPeriod'


    IF @dLocalRunDate IS NULL


    raiserror('Unable to supply value for @dLocalRunDate from XXXXXXXSettingstbl',16,10)

    RETURN 0


    -- Get first day of month to tie to period history table format Mon/1/YYYY

    Set @dLocalRunDate = DateAdd(d,-Datepart(d,@dLocalRunDate) + 1 ,@dLocalRunDate)

    Declare @dStartingDate datetime,-- starting date for lookback period

    @dStartingLookback datetime,-- starting date for last lookback period

    @dEndingLookback datetime,-- ending lookback period

    @dStartingQuarter datetime,-- starting quarter date

    @iLookbackPeriods int-- number of periods to lookback

    Select @dStartingdate = DateAdd(m,-11,@dLocalRunDate)-- get last twelve periods inclusive

    -- Get number of periods for lookback range

    Select @iLookBackPeriods = NULL

    Select @iLookBackPeriods = cast([SettingValue] as int) from XXXXXXXSettingstbl where [Setting] = 'ProfitLookBackPeriod'

    If @iLookBackPeriods IS NULL


    Raiserror('Lookback period not defined in settings table,',16,1)

    return 0



    -- Get lookback starting date and last full year starting dates

    -- Using six closed periods from 2 to 7 periods prior to last closed period

    Select @dEndingLookback = [Settingvalue] from XXXXXXXSettingstbl Where [Setting] = 'LastClosedPeriod'

    Select @dEndingLookback = DateAdd(m,-1,@dEndingLookback)

    Select@dStartingLookback = DateAdd(m,1 -@iLookbackPeriods,@dEndingLookback) -- inclusive lookback periods

    -- next two lines for testing only

    --Select @dStartingLookback [startinglookback],@dEndingLookback [EndingLookback], @dStartingdate [StartingDate]


    -- Get first day of last years next quarter - starting quarter

    Declare @year int

    Select @Year = datepart(yyyy,@dStartingDate)

    Select @dStartingQuarter = Case Datepart(q,@dLocalRunDate)

    when 1 then Cast('4/1/' + cast(@year as varchar(4)) as Datetime)

    when 2 then Cast('6/1/' + cast(@year as varchar(4)) as Datetime)

    when 3 then Cast('9/1/' + cast(@year as varchar(4)) as Datetime)

    when 4 then Cast('1/1/' + cast(@year as varchar(4)) as Datetime)


    -- next line will fail if users in table

    -- Truncate Table MerchantProfitSumtbl

    delete from MerchantProfitSumtbl

    if @@error <> 0 return 0

    Insert Into MerchantProfitSumtbl


    tLTD.[Merchno], tLTD.[LTD],





    -- get data from calculated starting date

    -- into columns for last four quarters

    (SELECT p.Merchno, -- along with LTD

    SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 1 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE 0 END) AS 'QTR1',

    SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 2 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE 0 END) AS 'QTR2',

    SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 3 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE 0 END) AS 'QTR3',

    SUM(CASE Quarter WHEN 4 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE 0 END) AS 'QTR4'

    FROM MerchantProfitHistorytbl p Join Merchanttbl m on

    p.Merchno = m.merchno Join luCalendarDatetbl d on

    d.CalendarDate = p.Period

    Where p.Period >= @dstartingdate and p.Period <= @dLocalRunDate

    Group By p.Merchno

    ) tQTRS

    Join (-- along with LTD

    Select Merchno,SUM(GrossMargin) as LTD from MerchantProfitHistorytbl Group BY Merchno)

    as tLTD(Merchno, LTD)

    on tQTRS.Merchno = tLTD.Merchno

    Join (

    SELECT p.Merchno, -- along with last twelve months

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 1 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'JAN',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 2 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'FEB',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 3 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'MAR',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 4 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'APR',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 5 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'MAY',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 6 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'JUN',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 7 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'JUL',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 8 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'AUG',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 9 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'SEP',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 10 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'OCT',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 11 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'NOV',

    SUM(CASE Month([Period]) WHEN 12 THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE NULL END) AS 'DEC'

    --SUM(CASE When ([Period]) >= @dStartingLookback THEN p.GrossMargin ELSE 0 END) AS 'LookBack'

    --AVG( p.GrossMargin) AS 'LookBack'

    FROM MerchantProfitHistorytbl p

    Where p.Period >= @dstartingdate and p.Period <= @dLocalRunDate

    Group By p.Merchno

    ) tMonths

    on tMonths.Merchno = tLTD.Merchno



    Select Merchno, AVG(p.GrossMargin) LBAVG

    FROM MerchantProfitHistorytbl p

    Where p.Period >= @dstartinglookback and p.Period <= @dEndingLookback

    Group By p.Merchno

    ) tLookBack(Merchno,LBAVG)

    on tMonths.merchno = tLookBack.Merchno

    Order by tLTD.[Merchno] ;

    if @@error <> 0 return 0 else return 1


    declare @iRet int

    exec @iREt = [spMerchantProfitHistorySum_test] -- with recompile

    Select @iRet ;


    Select * from MerchantProfitSumtbl

  • notifications 61467 (11/19/2014)


    Thanks for your reply.

    I located a suggestion for the problem I was experiencing:

    I substituted a local variable for the stored procedure parameter used in multiple where clauses.

    The SP now completes in 5 seconds.

    This means you were experiencing bad parameter sniffing.

    If you want to read further and understand this issue further the following set of 3 articles is a must read on this topic.


    Glad you were able to resolve your issue.


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