Status Updates 13 Jan 2022

  • It's been awhile, and apologies. Very sporadic developer resources have been applied, and I've not bothered for post for various updates. However, we should see some regular work in the future (not every week), so I'll add updates.

    Main update was Project Nami upgrade to 2.8.3, which included a WP 2.8.3 update to fix security issues

    • Blocked users - This was broken in the profile, but it's been restored.
    • Missing toolbar - broken as result of the upgrade, but fixed. Broken IF statement related to code minification
    • Page numbers in zoom/mobile - lots in navigation for forums. Layout changed to ensure these are visible
    • Media Search - didn't search filenames, which seems to be a weird WP standard, but this was added.

    Strange 404 bug, where a missing article takes you to the DoubleTake Compression article saw some work. The issue is a URL that was unpublished, but includes a querystring. The WP "guess URL" process freaks out. A few items have been tried, but none is 100% successful, so work is ongoing.

    There are a couple duplicate import bugs from the admin side, but other than the 404 and a request for a tool that helps with QotD, I've pulled other items off the list except the forum calculation bug. This is affecting all threads that seem to run above 7 or 8 pages, and I need this fixed.

    I have a bunch of admin things that I'll add behind that.

    If you have requests for things to fix, please post in the Website Issues forum.

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

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