
  • It will be good if the Grading of Gurus is done based on the usefull Solutions provided by them instead of just no. of posts. The author of the topic should choose the accepted answer and the points should be allotted to the person providing the solution. Based on the accumulated points the Stars should be given like most other sites.

  • Not a bad suggestion, we just went with what came from the Snitz code. I'd guess it goes to the number of posts somehow correlating to contributions to the community.

    We're compiling ASP.NET and VB.NET code furiously trying to get a new version working. Actually Andy is, I'm busy elsewhere, but we'll try to get something in there that allows votes.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • Im ambivalent about that. Fun to score things and potentially is even useful, the tradeoff to me is that if someone volunteers their time they shouldnt lose points even if wrong, less than optimal, etc. I'd want to see more discussion before we proceeded.


  • I have mixed feelings about that as well. From what I've seen, most of the gurus are pretty knowledable. I think it would be difficult to read/post to the board that much without picking something up. 🙂

    If anything, I've noticed a tendency from some posters to value advice less if it comes from someone other than a guru. I think that's foolish, but there's no getting around that.

  • Never liked points systems, there is always more than one way to skin a cat.

    Also, what I see a lot of in the DBA world is a quick response that covers the immediate need of the poster, but is not always the most efficient solution.

    I think a better method of ranking is something I suggested a while back, only count posts in certain forums.

    And maybe you could add to that by only counting replies within x number of days of the initial post.

    Hope this helps

    Phill Carter


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

    Edited by - phillcart on 12/22/2003 7:31:41 PM

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • I suppose the aim is to have a quality mark against the posts on the forum.

    The stars do not affect the validity of the answers given.

    At present you have a built in facility that requires no administrative overhead.

    There are posts on the site that were irrelevant to me in 2002 that have been a God send in 2003 so I feel that a voting system is inherrently flawed.

    If it wasn't done on a voting system then someone would have to volunteer to grade the responses.

    Perhaps some sort of icon against those people who contributed to "The Best of SQLServerCentral.Com 2002" would be a better badge of honour, but again, it is the answers that count, not the stars.


    He was not wholly unware of the potential lack of insignificance.

  • Why have a count at all?

    Let the responses stand by themselves. If someone posts wrong information it is usually corrected by someone else. I know that because I've posted wrong information and been corrected on it. The original poster can evaluate which solution is best for them, since most people post explanations with their solutions.


  • I vote to not bother with grading the responses. It is an open forum and all responses are welcome. What would a person asking the question do? Go to some section to see how the person who answered his or her question had been graded to that point? What is the point of that? If the person has only a few votes would that make their answer any less valid?

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • If I'm understanding everyone correctly, I think people are saying that we can do away with the stars all together as they do not add value. I'm leaning that way myself.

  • I'm not sure that I would agree that the stars don't add value. It is interesting to know how active posters are. The stars are simply a measure of posting frequency. They do not necessarily reflect quality of responses nor the level of knowledge of SQL Server. There are a lot of very advanced DBA's who have never posted on this site and when they do they will be seen as having one star despite their experience. Their contributions will of course be valued. 5 stars does not a Guru make (I love these smilies!) Its seems like a lot of work to grade responses. I think the quality of responses is evident enough to readers.


  • Stars are nice in that they show an overall dedication and contribution to the community. If we went to a grading system I'm afraid some folks might be afraid to post because they'd fear putting a wrong solution up and you get the rest.

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Well, I gotta say it feels good to have finally gotten my 1st STAR and promotion to ACTIVE POSTER as of my last post!!! 🙂

  • Here is my 2 cents worth.

    I understand edwin_fredrick's point and he is quite right in brining it up. But, a scoring system is of little use IMHO. You can judge the person's knowledge from the quality of the answer. You have a choice to decide which solution works for you best. Also, I am sure if some one who does not have enough knowledge of the subject and posts incorrect/useless answers will get kicked out before he/she gets to the Guru status.

    I view the star system in some respects as a token of appreciation and encouragement for the people who are helping others in need. I have found some, in the nick of time god send answers. And invaluable input even when I just browse through the days posts. I don't know how else to appreciate the people who take time to help and share knowledge.

    If a scoring is decided as a way to go, then pretty soon we will have SQLServerCentral certified DBA's 🙂 What say.....

  • Some good points brought up above. Overall, we kind of see the points as a contribution thing, shows us who's contributing to the community and we have tried to reward a few people that have really gone over and above the rest. Based on what I see above, I think we may stick with the current system (subject to Andy and Brian's votes).

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • Are the stars below a username really that important?

    Personally I don't think so.

    And as for grading:

    Who will grade?

    When will be graded?

    What happens when someone posts the efficient solution after grading is done?

    I have seen quite a few forum software packages (Snitz, phpBB and other) and such a thing isn't a standard feature.

    SQLBill made a good point.

    If an answer isn't that good at all, there are other members who will correct it (no matter if that answer was posted by a 'Guru' or not).

    In the end it all boils down to that the 'community' finds a satisfying solution to the original question.


    Sorry, for editing, but I think Brian Kelleys' post is very valid.

    Edited by - Frank Kalis on 12/29/2003 01:41:07 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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