Standard user unable to see SQL Server instance

  • Hi,

    a client of mine has installed SQL Server 2005 Express on a standalone laptop. When running my application logged in as an administrator, the application connects to the database fine. If however he logs in as a Standard user he cannot connect to the server. I have tried using both a windows authentication and sql server authentication to connect, neither work for the standard user, both work for the admin.

    Does anybody have any ideas what I might need to do to sort this out?

  • Are you using mixed mode?

    Maybe your user is not in a granted windows group, which make your windows authentication to fail.

    And if mixed mode is not set, that will fail you sql user also.

    What is the error you have?

    Best Regards,

    David, MCAD.NET

  • Hi David,

    I got it solved! The installation was on a laptop and the admin user was logging on to the laptop, however the standard user was logging on to the domain. I added this user in as a new login to SSMS and gave him dbowner rights for the database he needs access to and everything is fine now.

    With respect to the granted windows group you refer to, should this group be added to SQL Server or to Windows or what?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Well, a good approach is to create a windows Group, maybe something like “SQL User” and add only this group in SSMS, add it as a login, and give if appropriate right. After that you’ll only have to add user to this group.


    Try to avoid using to permissive right like db_Owner. Try to create a sql role instead and give right to that role. Then you just have to associate the sql role to you windows group you add. This will simplify the management and will be a mode clean and secure environment.

    Best Regards,

    David, MCAD.NET

  • Thanks David, you've been very helpful, I'll try that.

    Now, onto my Report Builder access problem

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