Stack dumps

  • Stack Dumps are generated for one of my SQL Server. Is this could be due to overhead on the server. I have to restart the server to bring it back online. Would applying CU is the only option to not happen this again or add more resources? No indication yet why this could have happened, but looking into it. Curious has anyone came across this issue before? Please advise?

  • I think a lot of folks up here have gotten stack dumps before. And the reasons can be for so many different things. The question is similar to asking if anyone got an error before and how did they handle it 🙂 Time for you to dig in and start looking at the stack dump, logs (SQL Server and Windows), etc.


  • Stack dumps are not readable. Logs are not indicating the cause for the stack dumps. Does reading stack dumps need tool only Microsoft can help? Any other thoughts?

  • You can read the info in the dump files with windbg. You can find more info and download links at:

    Download Debugging Tools for Windows

    and then do a search on: reading sql server dump files

    There are a lot of articles that will walk you through the process of going through the dump files.


  • I have downloaded the tool. Do i need to read the crash dump file from the server or copy the files to different location and then use the tool to read it. Please advise?

  • Side note there was spike in CPU before the dump generated. To monitor proactively for future events,I was thinking to set the alert when cpu spikes in warning state instead of critical. Reading the dumps and setting the alerts would be an option too i am thinking as well. Any thoughts?


  • Getting dumps now and still getting them a year later? You should open a case with Microsoft. And it took 9 months to download the tool? You can open those files anywhere - whether you chose to do it on the server or locally can depend on if you are having hardware issues but at the rate you are moving, it doesn't matter too much. Check the windows logs for other issues but you probably don't want to wait 9 - 12 months to do that.


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