SSRS Performance issue

  • Hi,

    I am developing report where my data source is Oracle. I am not using SP and currently not a parameter in a query, Just select statement.

    Now my issue is that query in oracle is running in 7 seconds but when same query in SSRS i am integrating, SSRS report is taking a time, even i tried 4-5 times and waited almost for 10 mins but not data displaed so i aborted the same.

    Please help as this task is on high priority.



  • How are you quering Oracle through SSRS?

    Using SQLServer as a datasource and using the LINKEDSERVER..SCHEMA.TABLE / OPENQUERY notation

    Or Using Oracle as a datasource?

    Is it possible to post the query?

  • Hi

    Put your query in a Stored Procedure so that it gets a saved execution plan.

    Try the Attunity Drivers for Oracle.



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    We shall go always, a little further.

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