SSRS Parameter - Convert from Int to Text

  • Greetings,

    I have an SSRS Report where I am trying to create a parameter of text Dropdowns from a SQL Column of Integer values. The original came from an XML document. I tried creating a Case Statement and adding  "and ApptStatus = @status" to my where clause, but my derived column name is not recognized. The object is to create a parameter where I can offer the User (A,B.C.D) as multivalue options rather than the arcane 12,13,14,15. Not quite sure how to structure this and any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks


    When m.c.value('status', 'int') = 12 Then 'A'

    When m.c.value('@status', 'int') = 13 Then 'B'

    When m.c.value('@status', 'int') = 14 Then 'C'

    When m.c.value('@status', 'int') = 15 Then 'D'

    End as ApptStatus,

  • If this case statement is in the same query as the criteria, the alias won't be available. I would put the entire query into a cte, then treat the cte as the query. This way, the alias will now be available.


  • That should work. Thanks

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