SSRS install process

  • Hi

    Any one know how to configure SSRS.Starting from installion till end. while install i choosed the option as i will configure manually.but now i tried to start from config manger of report server and try to host in localhost/reportserver,but i am not able to configure.I am using MS SQL 2008,and OS is XP and IIS is5.1 in my machine.I cant able to see or create vitrual any have steps or picture steps or link can share me so that it could be useful for me.




  • which part exactly are you stuck on? I have some configuration instructions if required. SSRS does not actually use IIS any longer although it does still use the kernel mode driver behind IIS.


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Here is the official documentation on how to Install SSRS.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Adiga (11/1/2010)

    Here is the official documentation on how to Install SSRS.

    That link covers SQL Server 2005 not 2008!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • SSRS 2008 no longer requires IIS! A very good thing.

    Go through the Reporting Services Configuration Manager following the steps in order from top to bottom. Pay special attention to the accounts you use for the services.

    That is typically all you need to do. If it keeps failing, look at the System, Application, and Security Event logs for specific error messages.

  • Parthi

    see the attachment below for my instructions on how to configure an SSRS 2008 instance



    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry Whittle (11/1/2010)


    see the attachment below for my instructions on how to configure an SSRS 2008 instance


    Hi Perry

    Thanks for your time and doc actually the same process i did, for you your instance is Test and in mine i am having as myinstance name that is the only difference in the screen shot but the thing is URL is not working for me did you check with your URL below http://TestSQL:80/Reports_SQL2k8. I just try to click the URL of mine with same http://Parthi:80/Reports but it is saying as path is not found

    this is my problem i'm not able work it on with localhost or with my to resolve this.If you have the screen shot of further steps it can solve my problem.




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