SSRS Color Code Cells based on SQL Table Values

  • How do I color code my SSRS cells based on comparisions between SQL table and the SSRS result set

    My SSRS result set has a column A

    SSRS Result set








    This result set must be compared to column values to a SQL table in the database.






    The SSRS result set should color code to Red if A , B , C

    do not match in the result set to the SQL Table values else to Green.

    How do I do this ?

  • You can have a dynamic value on a textbox's text/fill colour using expressions.

    Right click the appropriate cell and select text box properties. Navigate the the Fill Pane (I've assumed your doing the Fill colour, if you're doing text colour, then go to the font pane). Near the top, click the fx button, which will open up an input window.

    =iif([Insert logic here for when it's Green], "Green", "Red")

    Seeing as you're trying to base this off data somewhere else, you may be better off actually returning the value of the colour you want in the dataset. You can even do this in the colours in Hexadecimal if you prefer. The expression you would use would then be simply (where FillColour is the column return with the colour you would like):



    For sake of my sanity, is this what you would be expecting as a returned result set?

    Create table #SSRSResults (ABC char(10),

    Num Int)

    Insert into #SSRSResults

    Values ('A', 10),

    ('A', 12),

    ('B', 15),

    ('C', 20),

    ('B', 25),

    ('C', 30)

    Create table #SQLTable (ABC char(10),

    Num Int)

    Insert into #SQLTable

    Values ('A', 15),

    ('B', 15),

    ('C', 15)

    Select R.ABC,


    case when T.ABC IS NOT NULL then 'Green' else 'Red' end as FillColour

    from #SSRSResults R

    left join #SQLTable T on R.ABC = T.ABC and R.Num = T.Num

    Drop Table #SSRSResults

    Drop Table #SQLTable

    This only returns B 15 in Green, the rest of Red.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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