SSRS Cell Background be equal to another Cell Background

  • I am trying to find a way to have a cell background color match that of another cell's background color in an SSRS report. How would I reference the BackgroundColor value for the other cell?

  • I don't think that SSRS exposes that property. I think the only cell property that is exposed is Value.

  • I did that this morning by copying the formula exactly from one cell's background expression property to the other! It wasn't worth the effort of trying to do something clever. 🙂

    Is there some reason you can't just do that?

  • Too complex to really say but I have custom code to determine the background for 3 groupings on a matrix report and I wanted the data portion of the matrix to match each groups color scheme.

  • I am using RAQ Report. With it, users can set the background color of cell easily. The only thing you need to do is setting it in the properties bar at the right side of the report IDE.

    The screenshot of the report IDE is shown below:

    RAQ Report: Web-based Excel-like Java reporting tool[/url]

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