SSRS and hide column with parameters

  • Hello,

    I m on SSRS, and with a request with different informations such as :

    file ID / name / name of society / ID society / price of file / dates, ....

    I'd like to create a table or a matrix with selectable columns. I can choose all columns or not.

    and if i don't select one i want it to be hidden.

    in the parameter "selectable column"  I specified name and value

    and in the visibility of the column : =IIF(InStr(Join(Parameters!selectcolon.Value,","),"Date_end")=0,True,False)

    it works but when i just select few columns and not so many informations, i still have same number of lines. It doesn't group the informations

    for exemple if i only select price, i would like to have one line and one column with the sum of all file ID

    (in the column price, the expression is already "sum(price)")

    Thanks of help

  • Sounds like you need to implement dynamic grouping within the report. I've never tried to do that, so I'm not sure whether it's even possible.

    Alternatively, if your report is calling a proc, pass additional parameters to the proc which control the grouping level and adjust your query accordingly.

    If the source for your report is SSAS or a Power BI model, a DAX query would handle the dynamic grouping more tidily.

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