SSRS 2008 R2 Ent on Cluster - Scaled out deployment

  • I have installed SQL Server and Reporting Services on a clustered server with a named instance. I created the report server and temp db's. Then I login to the second node and started up reporting services configuration manager. I selected Node 1 and the instance and everything looks good however, I can't add the second node for a scaled out deployment. How do I add node 2 so that it is scaled out? I looked and on the second node there is no reporting services service running. Is that right?

    Thank you for your help.


  • Is is required to have a scaled out deployment when you have sql server installed on a cluster?

  • I failed the default instance that has the reporting services database setup to the second node. From node 2, I ran report services configurator and connected to node 1 with mssqlserver as the default instance. Then I tried to click the web service url and it prompted me to login to node 1. Is that normal? That seems weird to me.

  • Last question, when you connect to reporting services using the reporting services configuration tool, do you connect with the node name or the sql cluster name? In my case it is NYTSQLTST with the default instance of mssqlserver. When I connect using SSMS I use NYTSQLTST.

    Thanks everyone and anyone who understand reporting services.


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