SSIS training

  • Hello friends,

    I am working in birmingham, UK for NHS Trust and just wondering if any one knows about any SSIS training tutor. We haev 6-8 developer who wants to use SSIS but no one have really good skills to use it. I am just thinking about any tutor who can arrange a training of 2 or 3 days like microsoft training. I am not sure if MVP are doing their own training.



  • Hi Vijay,

    I don't know a tutor, but I learned loads about SSIS when I needed to from Brian Knight - he has a website with lots of video tutorials. Google for "Jumpstart TV" to find the stuff.

    I think he posts on here too.

    Where abouts in Birmingham are you? - I'm south east - Solihull.


  • Hi,

    Yeah i have seen some of his video but i was thinking it would be good if we can go for some training or get some tutor to come over into our Trust. I work in edgbaston.



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