SSIS source data Preview hangs.

  • While trying to define new transfers from MS Access tables to SQL Server tables, I have been unable to get the "Preview..." button in the ODBC Source Editor to work. it seems to simply hang. My desktop (which holds the source MS Access db) runs at about 50% CPU utilization with steadily growing page file usage until I terminate the application (after 3-5 minutes with no output displayed.)

    Has anyone else seen this?

  • Although I don't have enough information to fully answer your question, I suspect this is likely due to the manner in which SSIS is attempting to access the Access Tables, which is generally an openrowset method.

    Are the source and destination both on your desktop?

    Are you running BIDS from a server or your desktop?

  • Thanks.

    The Access DB, and "Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer

    Version 9.00.3042.00" (is that BIDS?) are running on my desktop.

    The destination database is on a server.

    I have had a bit more success simply creating a new connection and changing the connection in the input (I don't know why it started avoiding my earlier problems) but this raises an additional question:

    When SSIS reports a mismatch of some sort (e.g. column size discrepancy), and I change either the source or destination table so they match, how do I get SSIS to refresh its view of the tables? It seems not to notice that a change in the involved tables has been made. Do I have to close and reopen SSIS?

  • Kevin, I'm sorry, I got my threads confused and gave you information that was related to my other problem, not the Preview problem.

    But I still avoid the preview option, since each time I try it, I have to kill SSIS to recover.

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