SSIS Script Task Row-by-row Variable Assignment

  • 2 Columns with 10-20 records are going into the Script Component (Configured as Destination) in data flow. First variable "Category" is String and the second "Delta" is a Boolean (SQL Bit). Category is Unique.

    In the script I want to assign values to variables based on the Delta Column value i.e. True or False. Each Category will have its own variable.

    If the Category is "Auto" and Delta is "True" - assign variable bitAuto = Delta.Value

    If the Category is "PHONE" and Delta is "True" - assign variable bitPhone = Delta.Value

    Here the no. of keys are known in advance so the no. of variables can be declared in advance. So here's what I did:

    Imports System

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Math

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Inherits UserComponent

    Dim bitContENT As Boolean

    Dim bitContAuto As Boolean

    Public Overrides Sub INEntertainment_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As INEntertainmentBuffer)

    If Row.Category = "ENTERTAINMENT" Then

    bitContENT = Row.Delta

    End If

    If Row.Category = "AUTO" Then

    bitContAuto = Row.Delta

    End If

    End Sub

    Public Overrides Sub PostExecute()

    MsgBox(bitContAuto.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "AUTO")

    MsgBox(bitContENT.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Information, "ENT")

    End Sub

    End Class

    But lets say the no. of keys or variables are not known in advance and we want to assign values for each row. The processInput row is getting all rows in a buffer, but the postexecute task only gets the last row, so the following code in PostExecute doesnt work:

    'If strCategory = "ENTERTAINMENT" Then

    ' Me.Variables.ContinueEntETL = bitContinue

    'End If

    'If strCategory = "AUTO" Then

    ' Me.Variables.ContinueAutoETL = bitContinue

    'End If

    How can I traverse through the records one by one in PostExecute to assign values to a variable.


  • do you get the answer becouse i have the same proplem

  • Hi SolidSnake10_7

    No one replied as you can see and to b honest I cant even remember what I was doing in Jan 2009. But It seems that I was trying to assign a value to a column in each row.

    If script doesn't allow that then please use Derived Column Transformation Instead.

    Or explain to me exactly what you are trying and I might be able to help.



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