SSIS Rebuild Index Task

  • Hi,

    I'm using the SSIS Rebuild Index Task in one of my package and would like to understand if it's acting normally.


    1) Disable Indexes

    2) Load ~ 16M records

    3) Run Rebuild Index Task

    Issue: The indexes are not re-enabling themselves after the task runs. Is this normal?


  • No. A REBUILD will rebuild the index thereby enabling it.

    Check that the Rebuild Index Task is not skipping the disabled indexes.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I just tested SSIS 2008 against a 2008 R2 instance and the Rebuild Index Task picked up, rebuilt and therefore enabled a disabled index in my database.

    Please post back when you figure what's happening in your environment.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I found the issue, I'm a bit ashamed of this beginner's mistake.

    The connection string of the OLEDB Component of the Index Rebuild Task had been hardcoded to our Dev environnement instead of using the environnement variable to select the connection string.

    Thanks for your time anyways.

  • Maxime.Gagne (7/16/2012)

    I found the issue, I'm a bit ashamed of this beginner's mistake.

    The connection string of the OLEDB Component of the Index Rebuild Task had been hardcoded to our Dev environnement instead of using the environnement variable to select the connection string.

    Thanks for your time anyways.

    Anytime. Working with this stuff, that or something similar catches every one of us off guard from time to time. Enjoy your day!

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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