SSIS package not reading Configuration Table

  • I have an SSIS package which uses a Configuration Table to store variable values.

    The values which I am storing are email addresses to use in the ToLine expression in a Send Mail Task.

    When I test my package BIDS everything works fine... For example I change the email value in the Configuration Table and on execution the email sends to the right address...

    However.. When I deploy the package the email is always sent to the last address used in BIDS... It is as if the variable are frozen or locked.

    I have tried using SQL Profiler to see if [SSIS Configuration] table is used, but I am not proficient enough with tool to make a proper diagnosis.

    Can anybody help?

  • ben_shaw1 (2/2/2011)

    I have an SSIS package which uses a Configuration Table to store variable values.

    The values which I am storing are email addresses to use in the ToLine expression in a Send Mail Task.

    When I test my package BIDS everything works fine... For example I change the email value in the Configuration Table and on execution the email sends to the right address...

    However.. When I deploy the package the email is always sent to the last address used in BIDS... It is as if the variable are frozen or locked.

    I have tried using SQL Profiler to see if [SSIS Configuration] table is used, but I am not proficient enough with tool to make a proper diagnosis.

    Can anybody help?

    It sounds like the package configuration doesn't work on the server.

    Have you configured logging in your package? If no, turn on all the logging and see if there are warnings logged about the package configurations.

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  • There is a lot of data in my log.. what phrases should I be looking out for?

  • ben_shaw1 (2/2/2011)

    There is a lot of data in my log.. what phrases should I be looking out for?

    Execute the package and only select the lines of the last few minutes.

    You can also filter on one executionid.

    (I do not know the exact warning or error messages. Probably something in the line of: Warning. Failed to load configuration ...)

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