SSIS Package not following error path

  • Hi,

    I've got a Warehouse package which has a large number of SSIS packages.

    Some of the SSIS packages are reused multiple times, so we have broker packages that repeatedly call the underlying packages.

    All of this is working fine, but in the top level I was trying to set up an email alert if the load failed.

    The strange part is that SSIS is not following the error path, and the package simply stops. The attached screenshot shows an example of the error path not being followed.

    I have set all of the individual SSIS packages so that FailParentOnFailure is set to True.

    I am missing something?

    Many thanks,


  • Hi,

    I am still having this problem and would appreciate any suggestions on how to resolve it.

    When my SSIS package calls a SQL Task (which calls a stored procedure which I have placed a RAISERROR in) the SSIS package correctly errors but the data flow doesn't progress down the error flow.

    Is there a setting for SSIS that someone could have set which would cause this behaviour?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi GRussell31

    I can't explains why your data flow is not following the error path, I can suggest the OnError event at Package level? you can set it up at the Event Handler tab in your BIDS IDE (see picture). The OnError event supports the Send Mail Task, you can give it a try, I know the OnError event is triggered anytime your package breaks with an error like the one you attached, it also seems the OnError event will be easier to implement.

    Let us know how it goes,


    Hope this helps,
    Rock from VbCity

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your reply.

    You are correct that implementing the email via the Event Handler works correctly (and so I've implemented that approach).

    I have no idea why the error path doesn't seem to work though.

    Thank you for your help.



  • For the item that failed - what is its "on failure fail parent" and "on failure fail package" (they are something like that) properties.

    I would turn these both to false - that way the package wont fail and will continue down the failure route.

    I know you said you are doing it on the onerror way now - but just incase...

  • Hi,

    The FailPackageOnFailure is greyed out (but showing False) at a package level and FailParentOnFailure is also showing False.

    I have a feeling some of the child packages may have the FailParentOnFailure flag set to True though.



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