SSIS help please!

  • I have a sql query and I want to run the query against 10 different SQL 2000 servers.

    The server names are present in a database table.

    Basically the query should run for server1 and store the output in tableA, then the same query should run for the server2 and store the output in tableA, then the same query should run for the server3 and store the output in tableA etc until we finish running for all the 10 SQL 2000 servers.

    I did the following using SSIS and this works fine if I run the SSIS against SQL 2005 and 2008, but not against SQL 2000.

    Below is the error I am getting if I run the SSIS package against SQL server 2000:


    The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "ConnectionManager1" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

    [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

    I am wondering if I have to do this using vb script in scripting task? Any ideas! Thanks.

    Here is the step by step I did in SSIS:

    1. Added Execute SQL task

    Created two variables:

    1. Variablename = ServerName

    datatype = object

    value = System.Object

    2. variablename = var2

    datatype = string

    value = server1

    Within the Execute SQL task editor used:

    ResultSet = Full result set

    Connection type = OLE DB

    SQL statement = select ServerName from dbo.Serverinfo


    Resultname = 0

    VariableName = User::ServerName

    2. Connected the Execute SQL task to the ForEach Loop Container task.

    Within the Foreach Loop editor:


    Enumerator = Foreach ADO Enumerator

    Enumerator configuration:

    ADO object source variable: User::ServerName

    Enumeration mode: Rows in the first table

    variable mappings:

    Variable = user::var2

    Index = 0

    3. Placed the data flow task inside the ForEach Loop container task.

    OLE DB Source: SQL Query

    OLE DB Destination: tableA

    In the sourceconn manager:

    DelayValidation = True


    Servername = @[User::var2]

  • can you post how you are running the SSIS against sql 2000? Are you running the SSIS graph from your local machine and the connection settings pointing to the SQL 2000 server?

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  • Build ConnectionString proptery of DB source connection via expression with full details like Server, instance (if you have) and Database name, user id and pwd(if u r using), dynamically, means with ur for loop dbconnection shud be different each time.

    basically, it shud point to different database server\dbname each time to read data....

    Assumed that tableA is there in every database in all ur servers and its ur target table ...

  • Pavera22 is on the right track, but I think that overall this is a lot simpler than you are making it.

    As I see it you need an exec sql task, a foreach loop, and a dataflow container.

    The exec sql task gets the server list and puts it into a variable of type object. The foreach loop uses that variable to execute the dataflow container for each server in the list and put that server name in a string variable.

    The connection string is manipulted by an expression using the servername.

    I'd also set delayed validation on the components for good measure.


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